domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

My 20 Attachment Parenting Commandments

  1. Always "wear" your baby (or as much as you can).
  2. Always say the NAME of your baby when you refer to him/her (i.e. Max is asleep).
  3. Always practice "co-sleeping" with responsibility (here are some tips:
  4. Always put your baby first (over activities- including housekeeping- and things- including technology).
  5. Always kiss and hug your baby.
  6. Always breastfeed or bottle your baby close to your heart and skin.
  7. Always ask for help when it comes to housekeeping (to spend more time with your baby).
  8. Always talk, read, and sing to your baby.
  9. Always play with your baby.
  10. Always try to understand your baby.
  11. Always listen to your heart/instincts.
  12. Always look for supporting people (join La Leche League or Attachment Parenting groups).
  13. Always put yourself on baby's shoes (be empathetic).
  14. NEVER think it's "too much love" (less love it's never the answer!)
  15. NEVER think you're spoiling your baby (IT'S A BABY and have needs of love that need to be met!)
  16. NEVER yell to your baby.
  17. NEVER ignore your baby's cries (it's their way to communicate).
  18. NEVER leave your baby crying alone.
  19. NEVER make your baby do things he/she is not prepared for (i.e. going to the W.C.)
  20. NEVER listen negative things that would make you feel a bad parent.

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